
Digital works circuits
Digital works circuits

Any device working under Digital Techniques are called Digital Systems and the Electronic Network used to make them operational are called Digital Circuits. The basic idea is to let the beginners understand the operation of the Digital system and many other systems based on the principles of Digital Techniques. This is an exciting and rapidly growing field, which uses several principles for the working of computers, Communication systems, Digital machinery’s etc. Many ICs are used to construct Digital Circuits. One small IC can perform the task of thousands of Transistors Diodes and Resistors. The inexpensive fabrication of ICs has made the subject Digital Electronics easy to study. T his revolution took place with the advent of integrated circuits (IC) which is an offspring of semiconductor technology. Aircraft’s defense sectors, factory machines and modern diagnostic in medical science are controlled by digital circuits. Most automobiles use microprocessors to control engine functions. At stores, the cash register read out digital display digital clock and watches flash the time in all city shops and restaurants. All sizes of computers, as we know, perform complicated task with fantastic speed and accuracy. All persons working in various fields related to electronics must understand the performance of Digital Electronic Circuits. Moreover, I want to consider some questions like: What is a digital circuit? How digital circuits work? Why use digital circuits? How one makes a digital signal? How does one test a digital signal? And so on, a long list of queries.Īll of us are familiar with the impact of digital calculators, watches, modern communication systems and computers in every day life. In this statement I would like to explain their functions and also structures too. T oday’s my article is about Digital Electronics and Digital Circuit.

Digital works circuits